Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Our Mission

We are unwavering in our commitment to creating an environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and supported, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, or any other form of diversity. Our heartfelt aim is to establish an inclusive workplace at all levels of the organization, reflecting the rich diversity of our stakeholders. We do this by actively recruiting and promoting diverse talent, implementing inclusive policies and practices, and fostering a culture of respect and understanding. This collaborative and innovative approach helps Big Dogs Big Hugs, Ltd. | Grands Chiens Gros Câlins Ltée fulfil its mission. The community we aim to build will nurture the growth and development of our employees, ensuring fair access to opportunities for career advancement and professional success. Through our dedication to diversity, we are actively breaking down barriers, challenging biases, and promoting equal opportunities across all dimensions of diversity. We recognize that achieving true equity requires intentional actions to dismantle systemic barriers and address historical inequities.

 Our Vision

We are not just committed, but we are catalysts for change, inspiring and influencing other organizations to prioritize and champion diversity, equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging. We deeply desire for each team member to feel completely comfortable and empowered to bring their authentic selves to work every day, knowing that their uniqueness will be warmly welcomed, embraced, and genuinely appreciated, and that they will experience a work environment that is free from bias and discrimination. Big Dogs Big Hugs, Ltd. | Grands Chiens Gros Câlins Ltée workplaces will nurture a profound sense of belonging, fostering collaboration, innovation, and personal growth. Our vision extends beyond mere representation and compliance; we aim to create a cultural shift that touches all aspects of life, creating enduring and sustainable change.


Our Core Values

Our core values are deeply rooted in fostering a sense of belonging, both within our organization and in the communities we serve. We believe in creating spaces where people from all walks of life come together, united by a shared commitment to promoting learning, excellence in performance, and wholehearted support for education and professional development for all people worldwide. We value diversity, equity, and inclusion as fundamental principles that guide our actions and decisions, and we are committed to upholding these values in everything we do.

We must always strive to grow and change to become our best selves by:

  • Taking collective responsibility and being accountable for creating and sustaining a diverse and inclusive culture at all levels.
  • Showing respect for and appreciating individual differences, diverse thought, diverse culture, and diverse experience.
  • Taking ownership of our actions and outcomes.
  • Having the courage to speak up when encountering bias and disrespectful treatment.
  • Actively engaging in making diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging a part of our everyday work.